
Coronavirus: Man Risks Own Life To Stand By Infected Wife (Video)

by AnaedoOnline

A male Chinese identified as Hai Tang who works as a cameraman in the Wuhan division of Ergeng, China has shown that marriage is for better for worse by standing next to coronavirus infected wife.

His wife, Li Ting who is an emergency room nurse in Wuhan, caught the coronavirus while on duty at the frontline to contain the virus.

At least 3015 people have died from the coronavirus in China. But her husband chose to stand by her, defying fears about his own wellbeing.

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A video clip on ErgengTv shows her husband Tang doing the chores and taking care of her in the quarantine room.


Tang, who spoke in the clip, said he used his camera to record his wife’s fight with Covid-19. He also would like to use the videos recorded to encourage all patients infected with the virus.

According to a joint study by researchers from multiple Chinese universities, the new coronavirus has split into two distinct strains, with one appearing to be far more aggressive.

This new discovery could hinder attempts to develop a vaccine, as researcher at Peking University’s School of Life Sciences and the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, who looked at 103 genomes of SARS-CoV-2 and found the virus had evolved into two separate strains, known as “S” and “L”, with the “L” type being newer, more prevalent and more aggressive.

The older ‘S-type’ appears to be milder and less infectious, while the ‘L-type’ which emerged later, spreads quickly and currently accounts for around 70 percent of cases.

Genetic analysis of a man in the US who tested positive on January 21, also showed it is possible to be infected with both types.

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In contrast, other experts in the field say the two types the Chinese researchers claimed to have identified were a result of both normal viral mutation and errors in data that they were relying on.


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